Personalised email template

You can fully customise the email sent to your customers.

Customisable fields

Statey provides these customisable fields:

  • From name (the name that appears in the 'from' field of the email, eg: 'Your Company Ltd').
  • Reply-to address (the email address that is used when your customers reply to the statement email).
  • BCC address (this email address will receive a copy of EVERY email sent to customers).
  • Subject
  • Body

Custom sending domain

A custom sending domain is available on our Pro Plan.

Placeholder variables

Statey provides placeholder variables you can use in the 'From name', 'Subject', and 'Body' fields.

These placeholder variables are substituted with each customer's correct information when an email is sent:

{{ org_name }} e.g. 'Your Company Ltd'

{{ start_date }} e.g. '1 May 2024'

{{ end_date }} e.g. '31 May 2024'

{{ customer_company_name }} e.g. 'Customer Co. Ltd'

{{ customer_account_number }} e.g. 'CUS003' (could be blank)

{{ contact_first_name }} e.g. 'Jane' (could be blank)

{{ contact_last_name }} e.g. 'Doe' (could be blank)

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